Friday 19 March 2010

Work Experience 1st -5th February

So the world of work, people complain, don't like it, its a thing I have to do' well you are obviously in the wrong field.
I have just spent a week down in London doing work experience. LOVE IT!!!!! i have actually always loved working - it is something about the suits, tiredness, the hard work, i actually like.

This week was really good i learnt so much and i felt like i belonged in a work place - everyone was so lovely and were really nice about me.

On the Wednesday i completed some work for one of my colleagues and after i gave it to her she sent me a very nice email saying ' just to alliterate what I just said, this is an impressive piece of work, right on brief and will be really useful for the client' she cc this message to the 2nd in command boss who then wrote to me saying ' this is really positive feedback can you not stay longer then a week' obviously i couldn't as i have uni but asked if it was possible to come back over the summer. I met her in her office later that day and her comments where truly heartwarming - her comments were things like you have made more of an impact in 3 days then people do in 6months, your work is so impressive and lots of people keep coming up to me saying how impressed they are with you - we would loved to actually offer you a job - WOW

This was not what i was expecting i felt to proud of myself - i was working for the 3rd biggest PR company in the world and they have offered me a job -amazing.
I loved working there too the people are sooo lovely there is a work mode in the office but also banter and they go to the pub and socialise - they are all friends - really nice place to work indeed

So as you can imagine I am please with myself being offered a job - I might see if after uni i can possibly get a job - I'm defiantly working there over the summer though.

This has been an amazing opportunity that will hopefully benefit me in the future :)

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